Pohjoismainen hyvinvointikeskus etsii kunnallisia ja alueellisia toimijoita, jotka ovat halukkaita kehittämään toimintamallia, jossa sote-alan palveluita tuodaan lähemmäs kuntalaisia etäyhteyksien avulla. Lisätietoja: https://www.healthcareatdistance.com/open-calls/ Haku on käynnissä 28.2.2020 asti.
Nordic Welfare Center is launched the second Call in the VOPD project. The call will be open from 27th of January until the 28th of February 2020.
They are looking for regions and municipalities that aim to develop their service model to offer healthcare and social care services closer to or in the citizens own homes through distance-spanning solutions.
For more details please have a look at the below link: https://www.healthcareatdistance.com/open-calls/